The Need for Sweet Sleep
Whether you are trying to get pregnant, already pregnant or have wee ones running around, sleep is essential (I know, I know sometimes I think I can function without it but it just doesn’t work…even if I do mainline coffee!).
If you are pregnant and unable to sleep it will adversely affect your baby if you are so fatigued that you cannot function and therefore may fall asleep driving, operating machinery and so on. Other than that, it seems your growing baby will find a time to sleep even if you can’t! That’s a relief! However, don’t underestimate the importance of being well-rested for your emotional state. We all know that to be a good mom our emotional states need to be in tip-top condition and that takes sleep, ladies! Besides, you will need your energy to deliver and for those first few days when you won’t be sleeping that much.
If your have wee ones already, it is important to know just what a problem lack of sleep can be for growing children. It has been linked to emotional problems, poor academic performance, obesity, diabetes and even ADHD.
It is very easy to slip into more lax schedules over the summer months but if you are due to give birth or your children are returning to school this fall it is important to get this back in check before school begins.
First of all make sure you establish a realistic and healthy bedtime (between 6.30 and 8.30pm for children of pre-school age) and then work backwards from there to ensure you allow enough time for dinner, bath and story time. And if you are pregnant with sleep difficulties don’t underestimate the power of a bath followed by a good book!
Be firm and also fun and upbeat and make the bedtime process something that stays on time but is also a wonderful time to bond….just make sure to allow yourself enough time. And if you are worried about it getting off to a rocky start know that the first few days might be tough but they will very quickly get into the swing of it. It is also important that if your children still nap that you wake them with enough time for them to go to bed at a healthy time. This usually means 3 hours or more before bedtime.
Here are 3 of my favorite “back to bedtime” Fall choices to make that early bedtime even more enjoyable.
*Hanna Anderson striped PJs
*Dream Catcher
*Good Night Charleston (or wherever your favorite summer destination was).
Tags: sleep
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