From Me to You: 10 Things NOT To Worry About When You’re Pregnant
This is not supposed to be one of those annoying posts from a mom of soon-to-be-four to a first time mom, sounding know-it-all and condescending! Quite frankly every time you have a child is, in many ways, a brand-new and different experience so don’t let moms with a few more years experience under their belt make you feel insecure about your choices, or fill you with fear with what is ahead. (Ahem, all those who want to tell a gory lengthy birth story at a baby shower? Try to hold it in!).
New moms, please forgive those of us who have already gone through labor/delivery/infancy/toddlerhood, etc., it is just sometimes necessary to vent and when we see a first time mom in all her glory, able to nap, snack and get her feet rubbed, there might be a teensy, itsy bitsy smidge of jealousy about the fact that these luxuries don’t really fit into our schedule anymore!
So, instead of trying to scare you, fill you with information about “the way I would do things”, or generally take away from the fabulous 40 weeks you are enjoying, I would like to impart my discoveries about 10 things that might be keeping you up at night, preventing from basking in all the glory of a first-time pregnancy! So, while you may have your fair share of worries and anxieties about becoming a parent, strike these ones off your list!
1) Feeling like you should do something motivated instead of taking a nap? Don’t! Remember, there won’t be any napping the next time you’re pregnant because you’ll be running after someone else. So allow yourself to indulge and don’t feel badly about it.
2) You WILL figure out the car seat, travel stroller system shenanigans in the end, so don’t stress about it. I don’t know a single mother who hasn’t figured out how the car seats snaps into the stroller, or how to fold the whole thing, and you are not going to be the first! So no breakdowns in the stroller aisle of Babies R Us when you can’t get the Bugaboo to fold itself up immediately!
3) You will sleep again. Ignore the horror stories. You are not going to get a good 8 hours right off the bat but your little one is not going to be keeping you up at night forever, I promise!
4) Your diaper supplies do not need to be perfect the second that you give birth. Overnight shipping (Amazon Prime anyone?) means you don’t have to worry if you haven’t stocked up on all the right supplies so don’t feel defeated if you aren’t sure how many diapers to buy! Plus, the hospital will have loads so you can stock up on a few before you leave (trust me, everyone does it!).
5) Confused about newborn versus 3 month old sizing? Plus the fact that some experienced mothers tell you that you don’t need newborn? Don’t be – just get both! You’ll need both sizes during the first few weeks unless you’re planning to give birth to a baby that is over 10 pounds. And remember: baby clothes don’t need to fit like a pair of skinny jeans. There is always going to be some flexibility in sizing as long as they are not swimming in their romper!
6) Totally melting down about your registry? Don’t! What you really really need is a safe place for your baby to sleep, fitted crib sheets, diapers, starter clothes, car seat and stroller. Everything else is lovely to have but it is not going to be the end of the world if you don’t get it right away. Do what makes you feel calmer – over-prepare, or wait until the baby is here….both are just fine!
7) You can lose the weight. I am not going to lie to you and say it doesn’t take dedication or that it will happen in two weeks as an US Weekly cover may suggest, but you can do it if it’s important to you.
8) You will go into labor eventually! When you are pregnant for the first time (or, even for the second, third, or fourth time!), the due date can take on a huge importance. But remember, it is a pesky, approximate date on which most don’t deliver. Don’t despair and remember you will go into labor or be helped into labor soon enough. There is no way that baby is staying inside of you forever!
9) Heard about people getting all randy during pregnancy and you don’t feel like this applies to you? Preferring flannel PJs and some hot choc, anyone? Don’t worry, the randy ones are in the minority!
10) You are going to love this baby more than you’ve ever loved someone thing before, even if you don’t know it yet. And this baby is going to love you back to bits. What’s better than that? So worry less, and nap more. Happy Pregnancy!
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