Dangerous Toys: How to Keep Your Holidays Injury-Free
I love the holidays. My four tiny loves’ faces all lit up, festive music, yummy cookies for Santa (usually store bought, but they still count!), and all the pretty presents under the tree just waiting to be opened by their tiny hands.… Read the rest
Should You Skip Baby’s Bath Time Tonight?
It can be tempting to want to bathe your baby every day—after all, with so many germs out there, you want to keep your baby healthy and happy. Besides, you’ve got the most adorable baby bath tub and, let’s face it, your little one looks even cuter when you wet his hair and stick it up like a mohawk!… Read the rest
Could You Be Teaching Your Kid to Lie?
As I dropped my littlest off for nursery school the other day, the woman who runs the place took her from my arms, and then said, “It’s okay, Mommy’s only going to go get coffee. She’ll be right back!” I took a step back and thought, what is this woman doing lying to my child?… Read the rest
Is Screen Time Really So Bad for Your Kids?
You’ve seen it, I’ve seen it, you may even have it happening in your home as you read this: Kids are obsessed with tablets. The average two-to-four year old is watching about an hour and a half of screen time per day.… Read the rest
How To Raise Thankful Kids
You know what we, as parents, should be super thankful for right now? Thanksgiving is still a couple weeks away! That means more time to sort out whose family dinner to go to or what side dishes you want on your own table—but it also means more time to teach your kids about thankfulness and gratitude, which isn’t always easy!… Read the rest
The One Thing You Can Do To Protect Your Baby From Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
There are so many things in childbirth that are beyond our control, and unfortunately one of them is meconium aspiration syndrome—when baby’s first bowel movement is released before birth, into the amniotic fluid, and is then breathed into baby’s lungs. Once the meconium is in baby’s lungs, it can cause severe illness, lead to brain damage, or even cause loss of life.… Read the rest
Maternity Leave Headaches: How to Avoid One of Your Own!
Maternity leave here in the U.S. certainly leaves something to be desired—in fact, we live in the only developed country in the world where it’s not legally required to offer women at least some paid maternity leave. The President is making a push to change that, and to make the United States more family-friendly overall, but in the meantime, a lot of women still face a steep uphill battle when it comes to getting time off to recover from delivery and to bond with a new baby—paid or unpaid!… Read the rest
More Proof that Booze & Babies Don’t Mix
On most things having to do with pregnancy, babies, children, and parenting in general, I’ve got a very “to each their own” attitude. There’s too much pressure on moms and dads already to be the perfect parents, that I can’t see layering even more rules onto the ever growing list of what’s acceptable (and what’s not!) for families.… Read the rest
Ebola, Flu Shots, Enterovirus, and a Dose of Perspective
The news can be overwhelming—while Ebola deaths continue to devastate entire populations in West African countries like Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, the media here tries (and succeeds!) to whip us into a frenzy over a small handful of contained cases of Ebola here in the States.… Read the rest
The Secret to Better Parenting: It’s Simpler Than You Think!
The rules of parenting that you’ll hear at your local playground, in your mommy group, from experts, and in books are constantly changing—and more often than not, they just make this whole being-a-parent thing more and more complicated. If you’ve ever thought, “My kid won’t ever get into a good school if I can’t get him into this toddler art appreciation class!” or convinced yourself that your child will eventually spend decades seeing a very expensive therapist because you had to work late one Thursday night and weren’t there to tuck her in, it’s probably time to take a step back, take a deep breath, and rethink what kind of parent you want to be.… Read the rest