A New Year, a New Baby, an Important Decision to Make
A New Year, a New Baby, an Important Decision to Make
This blog post was sponsored by ViaCord
I have to say, there’s something quite refreshing about the start of a new year. Not only is it a great time to reflect on the prior year, it’s also a great opportunity to look ahead with excitement at what’s to come over the next twelve months.… Read the rest
Hope For the Future: The Best Culturally Diverse Children’s Books
The Best Culturally Diverse Children’s Books
Looking back at the news this year, it’s hard to not feel a little worried for our little ones and the world they face. Humanity as a whole needs to find more compassion, more understanding, and more appreciation for the differences among us.… Read the rest
The Naughty List: Would You Ever Cancel Christmas?
Would You Ever Cancel Christmas?
While Santa contemplates his list of children who have been naughty, and those who have been nice —you might also be taking a look back at 2014 and thinking about how your own child’s behavior stacks up.… Read the rest
Proin eu massa
Maecenas porttitor mauris lorem, in auctor sem faucibus non. Morbi consectetur consectetur nisi, et dictum leo vulputate non. Maecenas sit amet nunc nec elit aliquam vestibulum. Morbi non tellus justo. Proin enim ipsum, malesuada vel varius at, congue eu dolor. Sed vitae massa quis turpis viverra elementum sit amet a nunc.… Read the rest
Sed bibendum
Suspendisse tempor ligula eu vehicula laoreet. Vestibulum condimentum, nulla sed congue ultricies, lacus purus consectetur urna, vitae laoreet eros elit a lacus. Aliquam eleifend augue sem, sit amet malesuada orci ullamcorper eget. Aliquam in ornare velit, et eleifend ligula. Curabitur non orci ornare, scelerisque velit ac, ornare odio.… Read the rest
Suspendisse commodo
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum rhoncus, arcu a venenatis hendrerit, quam enim pharetra justo, ut pretium felis libero vel eros. Maecenas at sollicitudin sem, eu tincidunt dolor. Morbi in gravida erat. Vivamus sit amet sapien sed quam bibendum eleifend.… Read the rest