New IVF Technique Gives Babies Three Genetic Parents?!
New IVF Technique
I am always absolutely in awe of what can be achieved through IVF techniques. Having gone through it myself, and knowing so many other families that have grown because of these medical miracles, I know what a true gift IVF specialists and researchers have given to so many of us.
A new IVF technique may help women who suffer from mitochondrial issues to lower the risks of passing those health worries along to their children. Say what? That’s right. In the new process, a donor provides mitochondria (the stuff that powers cells) which is then exchanged with the mother’s mitochondria either in the egg or embryo stage—so technically, children born from this new IVF technique would have DNA from three parents!
Some people are arguing against this new development, saying it opens the door to people wanting “designer IVF,” where parents could pick and choose the DNA they like best (perhaps the strands that lead to lush dark hair or brilliant green eyes, for example); but I like to think about the amazing health benefits for the little ones. Lowering the risk that your babe might grow up battling health challenges seems so worthwhile.
What do you think? Is there a place where we should draw the line at customizing our pregnancies and children? Let’s talk about it in the comments!
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