Paging Celebrity Fitness Expert Kristin McGee: Why You Should Try Yoga in 2014
‘Tis the time of year to vow (VOW) to get in shape, eat better, act better – just BE better. My friend Kristin McGee, aka “The Bendi Girl”, tells us why yoga is the secret to tackling all of these at once.
… Read the restPaging Northeast Doulas: How to Induce Labor Naturally
I can’t tell you how many women are desperate to give birth when they reach the end of the third trimester. They’re uncomfortable, tired, and anxious to meet their little one. I’ve asked the Northeast Doulas for their tricks to inducing labor naturally. … Read the rest
Paging Dr. Grunebaum: Avoid and Treat Food Poisoning or the Stomach Flu When You’re Pregnant
Dr. Grunebaum of, Director of Obstetrics and Chief of Labor & Delivery at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, gives us his advice on how to avoid – and deal with – food poisoning during pregnancy.
How to Avoid and Treat Food Poisoning or the Stomach Flu When You’re Pregnant
It is not unusual for a pregnant woman to experience diarrhea, stomach pain and vomiting in pregnancy, a condition some refer to as “stomach flu” or “food poisoning” but which is known with it’s medical term as gastroenteritis.… Read the rest
Paging Mamatography: Original Holiday Photos Made Easy
‘Tis the season when parents everywhere scramble to find a picture featuring all their children (with or without their eyes open) to send out to our nearest and dearest in the form of a lovely 5 x 7 holiday picture card.
… Read the restFrom Me to You: 10 Things NOT To Worry About When You’re Pregnant
This is not supposed to be one of those annoying posts from a mom of soon-to-be-four to a first time mom, sounding know-it-all and condescending! Quite frankly every time you have a child is, in many ways, a brand-new and different experience so don’t let moms with a few more years experience under their belt make you feel insecure about your choices, or fill you with fear with what is ahead. … Read the rest
Paging Mamatography: Do We REALLY Need Those Expensive Cameras?
That’s Disgusting! How to Avoid Food Poisoning When You’re Pregnant
As I danced around Whole Foods Friday with JR trying to decide what to have for dinner, I decided not to go with the sizzling delicious steaks my hubby was going to be grilling up, but opted instead for the healthier option of chicken over salad.… Read the rest
Paging Northeast Doulas: How to Bring Home to the Delivery Room
With the recent news about the dangers of homebirth, I’ve been thinking a lot about how to bring home to the delivery room. Who better to advise on how to make a hospital birth more like a home birth than a doula who’s witnessed oodles of both types of births? … Read the rest
Paging Celebrity Fitness Expert Kristin McGee: Yoga Brings the Sexy Back
Virtually every couple I know that has children has struggled with keeping the spark alive in the midst of night wakings, sleep training, sippy cup spills and toddler tantrums. We’ve all heard the usual advice – make time! have a date night!
… Read the restBreast Cancer Awareness Month: Protect Yourself Now
Breast cancer impacts so many women and I’m sure many of you have been touched by this horrible disease. Even though it can hit women of any age, many of us feel like it won’t happen to us. Sadly, this is simply not the case: I have heard from many young mothers (and even some pregnant women) who were diagnosed with breast cancer, and it is a devastating diagnosis no matter how old you are. … Read the rest